For Thai people to practice and review. Naritasoft English Dictionary is a concept that will make the game up.
The application includes the vocabulary level (Level) to pass each level.
The answer is thorough. Meaning in the form of nouns, verbs, adjectives, including synonyms and opposite words.
There are also Top 100 Score (Top 100) and Top 100 Player (Top Player). With the highest points).
Version 4.0
- Improve the display screen.
Version 3.3
- Improved display screen
Version 3.2
- Improve the display screen.
Version 3.0 - Improve the display screen. Version 2.0.5 Play sound lost while playing Version 2.0.1 - 2.0.4 - Improve the display screen. . Version 2.0 - Add a new Level 10 (26-35) . Version 1.0.1 - Improve the meaning of the vocabulary. - Modify icon - Add menu to share the app. . Version 1.0 - Sort (Random) every time you start Level - switch every answer - express Of all vocabularies - Online score submission system. - Level (Level) 25 Level - has a total score table - Can turn off the sound of the app.
Version 2.0.5 Play sound lost while playing Version 2.0.1 - 2.0.4 - Improve the display screen. . Version 2.0 - Add a new Level 10 (26-35) . Version 1.0.1 - Improve the meaning of the vocabulary. - Modify icon - Add menu to share the app. . Version 1.0 - Sort (Random) every time you start Level - switch every answer (If the original question. The position of the answer will change.) - express Of all vocabularies - Online score submission system. - Level (Level) 25 Level - has a total score table - Can turn off the sound of the app.